Major General James G. Blunt

The Dieng Volcanic Complex (Javanese: ꦢꦶꦲꦾꦁ, romanized: Dihyang) is a volcanic complex located on the Dieng Plateau in Central Java, Indonesia, a complex of volcanoes. The volcanic complex consists of two or more stratovolcanoes, more than 20 small craters, and Pleistocene to Holocene-age volcanic cones. It covers a 6 by 14 kilometres (3.7 by 8.7 mi) area. The Prahu stratovolcano was truncated by a large Pleistocene caldera and then filled by parasitic cones, lava domes, and craters which is 120 °C (248 °F). Some of them are turned into lakes. Toxic volcanic gas has caused fatalities and is a hazard at several craters. On 20 February 1979, 149 people died of gas poisoning in Pekisaran village on the plateau near the Sinila crater.[2] The area is also home to a major geothermal project.[1]

Relief Map

See also


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