Battle of Honey Springs

109 (one hundred [and] nine) is the natural number following 108 and preceding 110.

In mathematics

109 is the 29th prime number. As 29 is itself prime, 109 is the tenth super-prime.[1] The previous prime is 107, making them both twin primes.[2]

109 is a centered triangular number.[3]

There are exactly:

  • 109 different families of subsets of a three-element set whose union includes all three elements.[4]
  • 109 different loops (invertible but not necessarily associative binary operations with an identity) on six elements.[5]
  • 109 squares on an infinite chessboard that can be reached by a knight within three moves.[6]

There are 109 uniform edge-colorings to the 11 regular and semiregular (or Archimedean) tilings.[7]

The decimal expansion of 1/109 can be computed using the alternating series, with the Fibonacci number:

The decimal expansion of 1/109 has 108 digits, making 109 a full reptend prime in decimal. The last six digits of the 108-digit cycle are 853211, the first six Fibonacci numbers in descending order.[8]

See also
