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Karmaisking (talk · contribs · block log · arb · rfcu · ssp · SPI confirmed suspected)
Comprehensive edits analysis

Karmaisking has been indefinitely blocked for vandalism, personal attacks, soapboxing, and sockpuppeteering (confirmed through multiple checkuser cases). Some openly admit to being other versions of the sockpuppet numbering. Has admitted to having more active sockpuppets here.

More ongoing use of sockpuppets (documented at Checkuser case history, as well as clear history of use of IPs without logging in to evade block (primarily edits history of own contributions to talkpages, as well as editing). IPs usually geolocate to south-eastern Australia, see IP contribution history1, IP contribution history2. Yet more confirmed sockpuppets, abusive actions, etc, mostly documented under checkuser. Self-promotion of (presumed) real name (same as one of earliest registered names): Timothy Mak.

Targeted areas, pages, themes

Edits primarily on pages related to finance, economics and libertarian issues. These include:

  • Has also edited articles on Keynesian economics and Keynesian economists in order to attack them.

Habitual behavior

  • Often chooses usernames related to finance, Austrian economics or libertarian issues.
  • Uses throwaway accounts or anon IPs that geolocate to Australia.
  • Often claims to be a new user, starting off with innocuous edits, sometimes even attacking or reverting a previous known sock. User:Lagrandebanquesucre was a particularly egregious devious approach, which began by attacking User:Karmaisking.
  • Uses misleading edit summaries, sometimes claims to revert the edit of another sock in order to hide the edits.
  • Often devolves to vulgar insults and personal attacks when challenged.


 Deferred to abuse response for contact. The report may be found here.

Other notes

Confirmed and suspected accounts